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Cherry Beach Soccer Club


Advanced Development Program towards competitive All-Star/Rep Soccer

All-Star/Rep Program: Click here to register for 2024/25 Winter Season  Register Now
We often refer to this as the Advanced Development Program.  It is meant for the players who aspire to play competitive soccer at the All-Star/Rep level. 

Click here for:  Boys Team Coach Contact
Click here for:  Girls Team Coach Contact

What's different between Basic and Advanced Development Program offered throughout the year? 

Click the link for full details: Competitive All-Stars/Rep Program 
                                                       (Indoor season from October 2024 - April 2025)

Basic Development is really for the beginner, a player who has not played much soccer and is just learning the game.  It could be a lack of confidence with the ball, has not mastered the kick and/or even the formation of playing with other teammates. 

Advanced/Academy Training is for players who we (Club) would classify as "above average House League players".  These players are willing to chase the ball without encouragement, they already have a sense for the game, they know how to pass or shoot the ball, are most often athletic etc. It's important that parents are just as committed since there are time 1-2 practices/week along with games and a greater financial commitment.  Participation cost is a little higher since they practice more often and there is much more involved in the way of coaching and management of the team.

The goal of the program is to give each player a solid foundation of soccer skills, to help each player gain knowledge of the game and to balance the desire to win with the goal of ensuring that all players are given the opportunity to play and contribute.

All-Stars/Rep, players are evaluated year round, all accredited coaches are hired based on their expertise of the game and in Summer practice 3x/week and/or in Winter 2x/week. Since 2009, we have steadily been increasing in the number of competittive teams in both boys and girls divisions and our teams are getting stronger evey year. All our Summer teams enter the Toronto Soccer Association TDYSL (U9-U12) and/or YDSL (U13-U18) and our top performing teams U13+ enter the Central Soccer League (CSL). Come Winter many of our teams either enter the GTISL, District League or other leagues. 
Players in this age group receive more practice space, more practice time some on turf some on grass, they participate in Tournaments and sometimes receive other specialized training based on coaches feedback and directions as agreed upon by team ... coaches are given a certain amount of freedom and direction. 

Register Now:  2024-2025 Winter All-Star/Rep Player Registration 

All-Star/Rep Winter Program October 2024 - April 2025
Club Fee from $1200 (Coach Fee Included) to $1650 + Coaching Fees:

All-Stars U7 Practice 2x/week on Turf/Gym @ $1200/player + House League $650/player
All-Stars U8 Practice 2x/week on Turf/Gym @ $1450/player (Coach Fee included)
All-Stars U8 additional program (3rd Practice) @ $400/player 
REP U9-U18 Practice 1x/week on Turf/Gym @ $TBD/player - Part time/Call up player not offered
REP U9-U18 Practice 2x/week on Turf/Gym + League Game @ $1500-1650/player 
REP U9-U18 Additional Program (3rd Practice) @ $400/player 
House League Games for U7 All-Stars players on Monday, Thursday or Saturday (Born 2018-2017 only),
House League Games for REP Call up players only Sunday U12/U14/U17 Division (10/11, 12/13, 14/15/16 year olds)
Practice 1x/week or 2x/week on weekend or weeknight for all age group or alternative options selected by team and/or coach/manager 

Check House League Program Details: 2024-2025 Winter House League Program


Register Now:  2025 Summer All-Star/Rep Player Registration

All-Star/Rep/Advanced/Academy Summer Participation Cost
starting as low as $TBD + Coaching Fees: TBC

All-Star/Advanced/Academy Package Train/Practice 1-2x/week from May to September (U7/U8 Players)
All-Star/Advanced/Academy Package Practice & Game from May to September (U8 Players / Festival Squad)  
Rep/Academy Package Train/Practice 3x/week plus league game from May to September (U9 -U18 Players)
Add on House Leauge Games between Monday to Thursday for U7 to U10 All-Star or Call up Players
Practices 2-3x/week on weeknight or alternative options selected by team coach/manager 

2025 Summer Recreational Soccer Online Registration Available Now!


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