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Cherry Beach Soccer Club

Coaches Guidelines


The Club uses volunteer parent coaches for our recreational soccer league. Coaches guide players in learning the skills they need to excel at soccer and have fun while playing. Cherry Beach Soccer Club is dedicated to being a leader in coaching education and development, which is why we ensure numerous courses and clinics are made available to help guide our coaches. 


  • Teams must field a min. of 5 players (4-9 yrs. old) & 7 players (10+ yrs. old) to field a squad.
  • If unable, teams may borrow players during the regular season, but at playoffs, game is forfeited.
  • Maximum of 5 a-side games in 4/5 & 6/7 age group, 7 a-side games in 8/9 & 10/11 age group.
  • Maximum of 9 a-side games in 12/13 age group & 11 a-side games in 14+ age group.
  • Ratio of players may be adjusted based on attendance and/or registrations.
  • Teams who are short of players, opposing team shall only play with 1 extra player.
  • Rolling substitutes & players should be encouraged to rotate through all positions including the goal.
  • All players should be encouraged & permitted to be active members of the team.
  • This means equal playing time & if not following such standards, teams could be disqualified.
  • Kick-ins for 4/5, 6/7 & 8/9 year olds; throw-ins for 10+ year olds.
  • No off-sides in small-sided 7v7 or 9v9 games, but in 11v11 format we do call off-sides.
  • Regular rules regarding corners, goal kicks, free kicks, penalties etc.
  • Coaches are encouraged to introduce themselves, provide updates to parents & players.
  • Coaches are volunteers & therefore reserve the right to make changes without outside interference.
  • Referees can and do make mistakes, but his/her decisions are final.
  • All games are limited to 50-55 minute sessions
  • Approximate 10 minute warm-up and practice at coach’s discretion
  • Two 20 minute halves with 5 minute half time break
  • Teams & parents must be encouraged to leave the field promptly for efficient changeover.

The Cherry Beach Soccer Club summer house-league program is designed to be a fun experience for all those involved. Emphasis is placed on participation and enjoyment rather than fierce competition and this mentality should be reflected in the conduct of our team coaches. For a more competitive level of play, we offer our All-Star/Rep programs, which start at age 8 in a summer Festival Format on weekends.

Our house league teams are comprised of boys and girls from varying backgrounds often representing a broad spectrum of sporting abilities and soccer knowledge. Your challenge as coaches is to create a team out of the individuals assigned to you and to communicate technical and tactical advice on the field. We are confident that with your help we can create an environment in which many young soccer players can develop their skills and build a life-long passion for the sport.
Lastly and most importantly, we are keen to reiterate that safety and fairness should be at the forefront of everything that we do at Cherry Beach Soccer Club. Children’s welfare should be our priority at all times, which involves a certain level of responsibility being taken on by our coaches and Club organizers.
As a new club (established in 2009)  it is vital for us to have individuals like you working with us and helping us build some solid foundations. We appreciate your involvement and look forward to meeting you all personally during the season or at the conclusion of the season. Any issues, email us:
Coaches and Managers, THANK YOU for volunteering to be part of our Club, Team & good luck!
CBSC Management


2025 Summer Recreational Soccer Online Registration Available Now!


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