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Cherry Beach Soccer Club

2025 Summer House League Game Program



To register click here:  Register Now!     

Cherry Beach Soccer Club is pleased to announce our
3 months of soccer in a healthy sporting environment ...
a chance to meet new friends! 
All games played during the week on really nice TURF fields.
Join us for an unforgettable FUN soccer experience for $350/player,
 start the week of June 2nd right until end of August.
Playoff format in September complete with participation medal and/or trophy ceremony.

Choose your location: (Outdoor)
Cherry Beach Sports Fields (Lakefront Toronto - Lakeshore/Leslie)
Jarvis Collegiate PS Field (Downtown Toronto - Jarvis/Wellesley) - TBC
Monarch Park Stadium (East York - Coxwell/Danforth) 
Birchmount Stadium (Scarborough - Birchmount/Kingston)

Our Summer House League Offer $350/player 

Package comes complete with Uniform (Shirt/Short/Socks) & Soccer Ball!
Play 1 soccer game per week, want more soccer add Basic Development  Skill/Drills Training 
Approx. 12-14 House League Games from May to August including
playoff games into September 
after the Labour Day Weekend.
(Sevice Charge is applied if payment is made by credit/debit card) 

Click here for  Club Policy  

Club now offers All Girls Houseleague Program on Thursday
Player to Play With Requests Deadline must be made prior to April 15th, 2025

ADD: Basic Development Training $300/player or register for both program in
House League (Game Format) + Basic Development (Training) $650/player  

just sign up for House League and add Development Skills/Drills on
Step 2 (Programs and Products) at the bottom of the page!

Players can look forward to:
In our House League, the emphasis is to let the children play the game of soccer!
All House League games played on impeccable, flat turf fields. 
Uniform (shirt, short & socks), a CB Soccer Ball & medal/trophy at the conclusion of the season.
Players play recreational games with CB referees officiating to provide a fun & safe environment for all to enjoy.
All coaches are volunteers with different levels of experience ...Club doesn't appoint paid coaches in HL program.
One exception, due to lack of volunteers in U6 (4/5) program, Club has taken on that role to coach along with any volunteers.
Parents who want formal training for their child from coaches need to register for Basic Development and/or Competitive All-Star/Rep
Format: 10-15 minutes of pre-game coaching/warm-up & followed by 45-50 minutes game 
Boys & Girls will be assigned in their respective year of birth/age groups: 4/5, 6/7, 8/9, 10/11/12, 13/14/15 & adults

Club now offers All-Girls programming in the House League format and have done for years on the competitive side as well. 
Those who want more formal training, we offer Summer/Winter Basic Development Programs
or join the competitive All-Star/Rep Program
All-Star/Rep team coaches will observe on occasion to identify players who may be candidates
for the upcoming season.
 Volunteer parents/coaches are expected to must adhere to coaching standards & be present
to coach on a consistent basis.
Cherry Beach SC is only able to guarantee a "player to play with" of one player by a set deadline and/or our Club guidelines.
Youth Soccer (see below) or Adult Soccer Open 18+, Over 35+ year olds  
  2025 CB Waterfront Adult League, click here  Register Now! 

Summer Tentative Schedule
Teams will be assigned according to their year of birth or according to the following age groups:
4/5, 6/7, 8/9, 10/11/12, 13/14/15, 16/17/18… adults
Note: We don't offer any House League or Development Programming for Toddlers (2/3 year olds) 

ALL-GIRLS programming on Thursday
 U6 All-Girls Division - 4/5 (born 2021/2020) offered only on Thursday at MPS 

U8 All-Girls Division - 6/7 (born 2019/2018) offered only on Thursday at MPS
U10 All-Girls Division - 8/9 (born 2017/2016) offered only on Thursday at MPS 

U12 All-Girls Division - 10/11/12 (born 2015/2014/2013) offered only on Thursday at MPS 
U16 All-Girls Division - 13/14/15/16 (born 2012/2011/2010/2009) offered only on Thursday at MPS

All Mixed and/or All-Boys programming
 U6 Mixed Divisions - 4/5 (born 2021/2020) offered on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 

U8 Mixed Divisions - 6/7 (born 2019/2018) offered on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
U10 Mixed Divisions - 8/9 (born 2017/2016) offered on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
U12 Boys Division - 10/11 (born 2015/2014) offered only on Friday at MPS
U14 Boys Division - 12/13 (born 2013/2012) offered only on Friday at MPS
U17 Boys Division - 14/15/16/17 (born 2011/2010/2009/2008) offered only on Friday

MONDAY (Mixed Boys/Girls) on turf Cherry Beach Sports Fields (Toronto Lakefront Lakeshore/Leslie)
  Players born 2021-2020 U6 Division (4/5 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm 
  Players born 2019-2018 U8 Division 6/7 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm 
      Players born 2017-2016 U10 Division (8/9 years old) from 7:00-8:00pm 

 TUESDAY (Mixed Boys/Girls) on turf Monarch Park Stadium (East York Coxwell/Danforth)
 Players born 2021-2020 U6 Division (4/5 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm 
Players born 2019-2018 U8 Division (6/7 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm
   Players born 2017-2016 U10 Division (8/9 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm

TUESDAY (Mixed Boys/Girls) on turf/grass Birchmount Stadium (Scarborough Birchmount/Kingston Rd)
     Players born 2021-2020 U6 Division (4/5 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm 
     Players born 2019-2018 U8 Division (6/7 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm 
       Players born 2017-2016 U10 Division (8/9 years old) from 7:00-8:00pm 
 WEDNESDAY (Mixed Boys/Girls) on turf Monarch Park Stadium (East York Coxwell/Danforth)
  Players born 2021-2020 U6 Division (4/5 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm 
   Players born 2019-2018 U8 Division (6/7 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm  
    Players born 2017-2016 U10 Division (8/9 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm 

THURSDAY (Mixed Boys/Girls) on turf Jarvis Collegiate PS (Downtown Toronto Jarvis/Wellesley)
  Players born 2021-2020 U6 Division (4/5 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm 
  Players born 2019-2018 U8 Division (6/7 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm 
    Players born 2017-2016 U10 Division (8/9 years old) from 7:00-8:00pm 

 ALL GIRLS (only Girls) THURSDAY on turf Monarch Park Stadium (East York Coxwell/Danforth)
   Players born 2021-2020 U6 Division (4/5 years old) from 5:00-6:00pm 
     Players born 2019-2018 U8 Division (6/7 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm  
       Players born 2017-2016 U10 Division (8/9 years old) from 6:00-7:00pm
 Players born 2015/2014/2013 U12 Division (10/11/12 years old) from 7:00-8:00pm
      Players born 2012/2011/2010/2009 U16 Division (13/14/15/16 years old) from 8:00-9:00pm

FRIDAY (Boys) on turf Monarch Park Stadium (East York Coxwell/Danforth)
   Players born 2015/2014 U12 Division (10/11 years old) with starts at 6:00-7:00pm
   Players born 2013/2012 U14 Division (12/13 years old) with starts at 7:00-8:00pm
                 Players born 2011/'10/'09/'08/'07 U18 Division (14/15/16/17 years old) with 8:00pm and/or 9:00pm starts

FRIDAY (Mixed Boys/Girls) on turf/grass fields (East York/Downtown area)
Players born 2009/2008/2007 U17 Division (16/17/18 years old) at 6pm-8pm (1 Hr to 1.5 Hr - TBC) 
Aiming to field 4 teams
League will proceed as long as there are enough players/registrants and/or there is the option of the CB Waterfront Adult 18+ league

Call 416-367-4359 or email us for more details!
Let us help you to determine what you or your child’s personal training needs may be.
Personal Coaches Fees may range from $50/hour or session.
Note to Parents
The Club endeavors to register sufficient participants in each age group. However, in some cases, we combine ages to have enough players to proceed.
Please note that our staff do carefully monitor situations where bigger players are playing against smaller players and may grant certain exemptions.

Parents who want to make a Friend Request, but each player is limited to one friend request only ... not multiple requests. We will assume that there is a proper player registration in place along with payment, that both players are in the same respective age group and same location, and that there is not a prior request for the same player.  Any such request will be dealt with on a 1st request basis. Also, Friend Requests must be made before the deadline (usually 1-month prior to start) and requests MUST be noted at the time of registration and not via email or phone when it may be missed.   
Please, trust our coaching staff to create a FUN & SAFE playing environment for all players to enjoy. The Club does take the time and effort to educate our coaches to be aware to challenge some players to play up and/or some players down. Such cases usually depend on maturity,
engagement and/or skill level.
Our Cherry Beach Soccer Club is fully sanctioned through the Ontario Soccer Association (OSA) and a member of the Toronto Soccer Association (TSA) as a not-for-profit organization run by dedicated volunteers with in-depth soccer knowledge about the beautiful game of soccer.
Since its start in 2009, our Club has grown into one of the largest soccer clubs in Toronto with a membership base of some 2300+ members, made of mostly youths, but also for adults.  Just like most well established Clubs, we have approx. 70 recreational House League teams, some 30-15 competitive youth All-Star/Rep teams,  offer a Adult Over 35+ and/or Open 18+ League along with a variety of other programs like Basic and Advanced Development, PA and Summer Camp. 

Since 2012, we have been an anchor tenant at Monarch Park Stadium (MPS) with an outdoor turf field and domed during the Winter months. 
Without a doubt all our members have come to accept and appreciate that our Club has the "BEST INFRASTRUCTURE IN TOWN!"
All our players are able to play on the best TURF fields around Cherry Beach Fields, Birchmount, Lamport Stadium, Regent Park, L'Amoreaux etc. 

Today our Club can boast proudly about the fact that there are players who came through recreational and went on to competitive All-Star/Rep programming who are now playing for top colleges/universities on scholarships, some in TFC's Academy program and some actually trying to make it to the professional level. 

We are fully expecting to grow this Club to 3000 members in the next few years and become one of the largest Clubs in Toronto. 
Now to accomplish that, we do need your community support to be a success!

Our Philosophy
 “Teach the boys & girls the soccer fundamentals!”
Join our certified and/or experienced coaching staff — for an unforgettable fun soccer experience and we will assist your son or daughter to get ready for the next competitive level whether that’s house league, rep, soccer scholarship or a career as a professional soccer player!
House League Teammate Request Policy
The Club will allow only a like-for-like teammate request.  Cherry Beach will make every effort to accommodate placement on a team with ONE other registered player, if requested at the time of registration. The request will only be honored if both players request one another for the same location, same time and appropriate age group to be together.  Only one request will be accepted and both players must be registered and paid in full to accommodate the request. This request must be made in the space provided on the online registration form.  
Requests will not be accepted over the phone, in person or via email. 

Cancellation Policy
The Club reserves the right to cancel programs when there are not enough registrants and/or to transfer players from team to team and/or offer alternative options such as time and/or days that might be suitable. Where this is not feasible due to such things as: lack of registrations, fields/gyms and/or coaches that are beyond the control of parents/players, a partial or full refund shall be issued.  Where a parent/player, guardian and/or other supporter becomes a danger towards the Club and its members (players, parents, coaches or other support staff) in a physical or verbal manner and/or threaten or jeopardize the good name and reputation of Club, they will be asked to leave the Club.  When there is such an occurrence of a member being asked to leave, one must remember to abide by those rules and/or the Club will be forced to contact the police to have that member removed from further participation. It's at the discretion of the Club whether a full, partial or no refund will be issued.  If uniform has been provided, players who have been provided a uniform must return this uniform in a good state whether there is a refund or none granted. 

Refund Policy
The Club agrees to give a full refund if and only when such a request is received in writing with an explanation for withdrawal via mail and/or email 3 months before the commencement of the program (House League, Development Programs, and/or Winter Camp) less $30 Cancellation/Administration Fee. NO refund should be issued when notified less than 3 months prior and it is at the Club's and its official discretion if any credit and/or any refund will be issued.  Upon receiving a written request for a refund along with a reasonable explanation, the Club and its officials will determine what the refund will be if any. No refunds of any amount are issued once we are beyond the halfway point of the season. Please understand that there are significant resources, and fixed and variable costs in play to place a player on a roster and/or to process a refund for him or her.  Insurance and uniform costs are unrecoverable and not transferable and any practice/game sessions attended or held are not refundable.  For any sessions to be credited, again at our discretion, we must be notified 48 hours before the start of the session.  
Any Refunds will always be processed in the same manner as the original payment and/or as agreed in advance. 

Cancellation Fees will be calculated as follows:
Administrative Fee @ $30
Insurance Fee @ $30
Session Game/Training Fee @ $30/session
House League Uniform Fee @ $40

 Where a uniform (House League Program) has been assigned 
NO refund will be issued until it's returned!

Under normal circumstances, we will apply the above policies, however during unforeseen events as a "pandemic situation" all of us will be governed by "Force Majeure" clauses and/or "Art of Frustration" conditions to resolve such issues. Both suppliers and buyers will have to be understanding, compromising, and patient to ensure that each party can receive and/or provide the service that was advertised under these set circumstances!  

2025 Summer Recreational Soccer Online Registration Available Now!


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