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Cherry Beach Soccer Club


Notice – Inaugural Special General Meeting (SGM) – Cherry Beach Soccer Club 
Saturday May 19, 2018, 2pm Sign In, 2:15pm Meeting Commences, 
Monarch Park Stadium Meeting Room 

Purpose: The Inaugural SGM of the Cherry Beach Soccer Club is being held for the following specific purposes: 
a. To discuss and approve the Constitution of the Cherry Beach Soccer Club 
b. To elect Officers and Directors of the Cherry Beach Soccer Club 
c. To discuss and approve the club policies document of Cherry Beach Soccer Club 
No other business shall be conducted during the Inaugural SGM of Cherry Beach Soccer Club 

Chair: The incumbent President of CBSC shall preside until a vote is held on the new Constitution: 
  • If the motion is passed, either the CBSC Legal Counsel, or a representative of the OSA, or another person suitable to the SGM, will take the Chair to conduct the election of Officers and Directors. Following the election of Officers and Directors, the incoming Chairperson shall preside for the remainder of the meeting; or
  • If the motion is defeated, the incumbent President of CBSC shall call for a motion to adjourn the meeting. 

Voting Structure: For the inaugural SGM each member in good standing of the CBSC is entitled to one vote.  

Terms for Officers and Directors elected at the Inaugural SGM: During the Inaugural SGM, the membership shall elect Officers and Directors. For those positions identified in the Constitution as being elected in odd numbered years, those elected shall serve a full two-year term as specified in the Constitution. For those positions identified in the Constitution as being elected in even numbered years, those elected shall serve an initial one year term. The election conducted during the Inaugural SGM shall be considered the election which would normally have been held at AGM 2018. 

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