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Cherry Beach Soccer Club

Player Request

House League Teammate Request Policy
When registering a player, a parent may request that their child be placed on a team with another child. 
This request must be made during the registration on STEP 1, there is a text box beside Player to play with request: where you can write the player’s name. Request only one name as described in the conditions below. Failure to comply with these conditions may result in your request not being fulfilled.
The Club will allow only a like for like teammate request.  Families making a request will be required to help and assist the team's head coach and assistant coach if one or both of the coaches can not make it to the game due to work, family issues and/or other obligations. Cherry Beach will make every effort to accommodate placement on a team with ONE other registered player, if requested at the time of registration. The request will only be honored if both players request one another and as long as they are registered to play at the same location. There will be an administration fee of $25 for switching program, day, time and/or location.
 Requests will not be accommodated and accepted over the phone, by chat in person, by email and/or a separate note. 

For the past few years, there has been an increasing number of player requests that has led to an increased workload and in some cases, has resulted in an imbalance in teams. Club executive would like to limit requests to exceptional circumstances, and the following:

Requests are subject to the following conditions:
1.    Player requests on a first come, first paid basis.
2.    Requests must be one-to-one player reciprocated requests i.e. each player must have requested that they be on the same team as the other.
3.    Requests must be made when registering the player.
4.    Requests will not be taken after the deadline specified on the CBSC online registration.
5.    The reciprocal player request must also be made by the deadline on the online registration.
6.    Each team must be divided equally based on their birth year to avoid imbalance in teams.
7.    Requests are accepted at the discretion of CBSC. Submitting a request is not a guarantee that it will be granted.
8.    Any appeals for exceptions to this policy must be made in writing to the League Committee.


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