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Cherry Beach Soccer Club
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Our Cherry Beach Soccer Club, coaches and managers realize that certain players may have financial circumstances that may prevent them from participating in a recreational House League and/or even competitive Rep format where entry costs are even greater.  In some cases and every year the Club offers a number of Free Registrations, but we are also a non-for-profit organization and we have limited resources as it is.  Sometimes Rep teams will find sponsorship money that may assist talented players and those options need to be explored with each coach and manager on an individual basis.  However, there are also a number of organizations that offer financial assistance that you can apply to receive funding, grants and even equipment.  There is Kidsport and Canadian Tire Jump Start Program to obtain funding that can range from as little as $150/player and up to $500/player and some are done seasonally.  Now these are just some of the organizations that you can approach, but there are many others.  

Unfortunately Welcome to the City funding may only be applied through city run programs and we are not a city run program.  

Please note some of this funding is easier to obtain, some require proof, but if you persevere ... you should be successful and it should become easier each year!  Each sponsorship offer will require you to register with the Cherry Beach Soccer Club in order to present a fixed cost of participation to sponsor. 


Kidsport Ontario can offer grants up to $250 per player, but there is some documentation to be prepared in order to provide the proof that a grant is warranted.  On must apply 45 days prior to the start date of a program.  So in order to help you, we have attached Organizational and Club Registration Forms to be completed along with a Letter of Endorsement, which a professional (see bottom of application) has to complete and sign.

KIDSPORT Ontario Grant Request Letter - Detailed application instructions and contact information.

To have a chance at any of these grants, you will have to complete and/or do the following:
Please complete and submit to KIDSPORT Ontario and/or submit to the Club who will submit it for you.


On a seasonal basis, this program provides funding in the amount of $200/season. In other words, if applying for summer grant, due date is January to June 1st and for winter it is from July 1st to November 1st.  You need to apply early and submit a Cherry Beach Registration Form with cost to each representative who runs and oversees each locality.  Their process is a little easier, since no income proof is required, but we'd like to think that only families in need would apply and receive such grants.  

2025 Summer Recreational Soccer Online Registration Available Now!


2025 March Break Announcement


Easter Holiday Break Announcement


Toronto CB Cheetahs 2012 Girls
