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Cherry Beach Soccer Club

Central Soccer League


1.                 MEMBERSHIP
A.    A Club entering a team to the league without a team already in the league in the previous year, must post a bond (See Appendix B) refundable at the end of the season upon being in good standing and all outstanding amounts being paid to the league.  This bond is due December 15th.
B.     All coaches will receive a copy of the League Constitution and Rights and Responsibilities.  A waiver form provided by the League is to be signed by the coach.  This waiver states that the coach has read and understood the rules of the League, and that they agree to abide by the rules.
The waiver is to be completed online by May 15.  Failure to comply with this deadline will carry a fine (See Appendix A) to the Club for each team in default.
C.     One Regional Division will be formed for the Under 14 to Under 18 age classifications.
Entry to the Regional Division will be determined using criteria established by Competitions Management Committee and subject to adherence to the stated application deadline.
D.    All divisions are subject to the approval of Competitions Management Committee.
E.     The League reserves the right to establish sub-divisions, subject to the approval of Competitions Management Committee.
2.                 APPLICATIONS
A.    Application by a Club to have a team play in the Central Soccer League must be completed online by December 15thof each year.  This Application must be complete with full registration fee.  (See Appendix B)
B.     Any team application submitted by a Club after the deadline may be accepted at the discretion of the League Executive Committee and may be subject to a special League fee (See Appendix B) set by the League Committee.  If payment is received after fifteen (15) calendar days from the deadline, such team may not be eligible to play in the CSL.
C.     Teams withdrawing from the League after February 1stwill forfeit the entire League fee.
D.    Teams withdrawing from the League after March 15stwill forfeit the entire League fee and will be fined. (See Appendix A)
E.     Teams withdrawing from the League after May 1stwill forfeit the entire League fee and will be fined.  (See Appendix A)
F.     Notice of withdrawal must be in writing on club letterhead or by Club email.
G.    Teams may submit with their application or by March 1st, no more than three time periods when they require time blocked from the schedule up to a total maximum of 10 days.  No additions or changes will be accepted after March 1st. Failure to submit or if submitted with more than 10 days will result in no time blocked for that particular team.  There will be no blocked off time for Under 18 divisions.
(Exception: Teams travelling outside North America may block off 1 time period of up to 15 days and must provide backup documentation.)
H.    Teams entering the CSL must produce official final standings from the previous outdoor season from the district league from which they qualified.
3.                 LEAGUE SEASON
A.    The playing season shall commence as early as possible in May and shall conclude with the final scheduled (re-scheduled) games of the League which must be completed by October 15thunless otherwise agreed to by the Executive Committee.
B.     League Cup and Playoff competitions must be completed by October 15thor as determined by the Executive Committee.
C.     Teams failing to meet their obligations to play a game will be subject to a fine. (See Appendix A)
Notification of forfeiture must be received in writing from the Club.  Scores of a forfeited game will be recorded as 3-0.
D.    Teams attempting to manipulate the schedule, will be charged under Ontario Soccer 5.67, and if found guilty will be fined.  (See Appendix A)
4.                 LEAGUE GAMES
A.    The age divisions formed by the League shall be as initiated and ratified by the Ontario Soccer Ages are to be computed as of January 1stin the current year .
B.     The duration of all League and Cup Games will be as follows:
a.     Under 14                  2 X 40 Minutes
b.     Under 15-18            2 X 45 Minutes
The half time intervals shall be 5 minutes.
C.     A grace period of twenty minutes will be allowed for ALL CSL games in the event that a team has less than seven players at the appointed kick-off time.  The offending team shall default the game, be fined (See Appendix A) plus the applicable referee fees and the points will be awarded to the opposing team.  In the event that both teams have less than seven players, no points will be awarded.
D.    In the event a team has its compliment of players reduced to less than seven players during a game for whatever reason, the club will be subject to a fine (See Appendix A) and the game shall be forfeited.
E.     Substitutions will be allowed only at a kick-off, goal kick, injury or your own throw-in.  The referee must be advised of all substitutions.
F.     Home teams must ensure that corner flags and goal nets are in place for all games, at all age groups, prior to the scheduled kick-off time.  Failure to comply will result in a fine. (See Appendix A)
G.    The use of shin guards is mandatory at all ages for ALL GAMES.
5.                 TEAM ROSTER
A.    The Ontario Soccer Roster must be submitted by May 15.  Teams that have not submitted their roster will be subject to a fine. (See Appendix A)
Any change to the roster must be reported to the league by submitting an updated Ontario Soccer Roster.  All changes in team official(s) or player(s) must be reported within 5 business days of the change.  Failure to comply will result in a fine.  (See Appendix A)
6.                 TEAM OFFICIALS
A.    Team officials must be registered on an Ontario Soccer Roster and must possess valid Ontario Soccer Registration Book or Card. Failure to register a team official listed on a game sheet or sitting on the team bench shall result in a fine. (See Appendix A).
B.     Maximum 4 team officials allowed on the bench/game sheet. Failure to adhere to the maximum 4 officials shall result in a fine. (See Appendix A)
C.     Changes in team official(s) must be advised to the league office within 5 business days of the change.  Failure to comply will result in a fine. (See Appendix A)
7.                 PLAYER IDENTIFICATION
A.    Team officials must carry Ontario Soccer player books/cards to all games.
B.     The inspection of Ontario Soccer player books/cards by the opposing team is mandatory to be checked 15 minutes prior to the scheduled kick off.(See Appendix D)
C.     Failure to produce the Ontario Soccer player books/cards will result in immediate forfeiture of the game and fine as per CSL 4D. (See Appendix A)
D.    Only players for whom Ontario Soccer player books/cards are made available for inspection may have their names entered on the game sheet and be eligible to play.
E.     Once a game has been started, team officials forfeit the right to investigate Ontario Soccer player books/cards, excluding late player arrivals only, whose Ontario Soccer player books/cards must be checked prior to entering the field of play and must refer to Rights and Responsibilities 21 should they wish to initiate a protest.
F.     Failure to inspect Ontario Soccer player books/cards will result in a fine.  (See Appendix A)
G.    Any player arriving after that the start of the second half, is not eligible to play in that particular game.
H.    Violations of Section 7 could result in forfeiture of game and fine.  (See Appendix A)
8.                 PLAYER ELIGIBILITY
A.    All players shall be duly registered in accordance with Ontario Soccer Policies and Procedures and must be covered by health, medical or similar insurance.
B.     A player must be registered and have valid Ontario Soccer book/card  in order to be eligible to play in any League or League Cup Game.
C.     A player who is registered with a team in the CSL will not be eligible to play in a game for any other CSL team if he has been added to the team roster after July 1.  (Exception: Transfers from the teams in the same club.)
D.    A player registered to a club after July 1 will not be eligible to play in a CSL Game as a registered player or callup.
E.     ANY Player added to a Ontario Soccer Roster after August 1 is not eligible for CSL Competition.
F.     A team may not have more than eighteen (18) players registered at any one time.  Eighteen (18) players may be named (dressed) and played in any one game.  A player named on the game sheet is deemed to have played.
G.    All rules and regulations as set out in Ontario Soccer Policies and Procedures regarding the signing and transfer of players shall apply.
H.    Teams found to have used an ineligible player(s) or deemed to be an ineligible team, shall default the game(s) to its opponent(s), provided a protest is made according to By-Law 21 of these By-Laws or at the discretion of the Executive Committee.  In the event that both teams are found guilty of using ineligible players, no points will be awarded.  A team found guilty of using ineligible players will subject its Club to a fine.  (See Appendix A)
I.       Violations of Section 8 could result in forfeiture of game and fine. (See Appendix A)
9.                 CALL UPS
A.    Teams may only use call ups from their own club or registered affiliate. No trial permits or temporary registration permit players are allowed.
Call ups may be used provided:
1.     The player is a recreational player at the same age group or younger.
2.     The player is a competitive player in a younger age group.
3.     The player is a competitive player in the same age group at a lower level.
4.     The player has not already played in six games as a callup for the team in the current season.
5.     Not more than three players are being called up for any one team, in any game. (Exception- U18- 5 Callups)
6.     They are not being used in a Cup Game (Exception U18)
7.     All call ups must carry a validated Ontario Soccer player book/card.
8.     Players registered to an OPDL team will not be allowed to be used as callups regardless of age.
9.    A player who has been suspended for one or more games in league play shall not be permitted to "play up":   
a.        For a higher level club team within his/her own Club, or
In a league game for any other team until after the scheduled date of the final game covered by his/her suspension (such date to be indicated on the notice of suspension).  If the suspension is the result of the offender:
a.        Having played up for a higher level club team within his/her own Club, or    
Then, in such instances, the misconduct report will be transferred to, and the suspension administered by, the  league with which the offender's regular team is registered.
B.     A player registered to a club after July 1 will not be eligible to play in a CSL Game as a registered player or call up.
C.     Violations of Section 9 could result in forfeiture of game and fine.  (See Appendix A)
10.                       REFEREES
A.    Games must be played provided at least one District Level official has arrived.  No game shall be played without the middle referee being a District Level official.  In the event that no game official has arrived after a twenty minute grace period, the game shall be rescheduled by the league.
B.     The referee fee, payable 50% by each team, shall be collected by the home team and presented to the referee with the completed game sheets, before the start of the game.  If the game is not started the referees should not be paid.
11.                       SCHEDULE
A.    Under no circumstances will teams be allowed to postpone games.
B.     All games will be played as scheduled unless:
1.     At the discretion of the referee, postponement is necessary due to bad weather or field conditions.
2.     A game is postponed at the discretion of the League.
3.     A game is postponed at the discretion of the Parks/School Official
4.     Requests to reschedule games other than for the blocked times submitted to the League will not be entertained. 
(Exception: U14 teams will be allowed to reschedule 1 game in either June or September for school function.  Must submit in writing 10 days prior and submit backup documentation.)
(Exception: U18 teams will be allowed to reschedule 1 game in June for school function.  Must submit in writing 10 days prior and submit backup documentation.)
C.     A game is deemed complete if 25% or less remains unplayed when called by a game official due to weather or playing conditions.  All games not completed will be replayed in full from the start.
D.    Games on fields with no lights in August will start at 6:30pm.  Games on fields with no lights after labour day will be scheduled on weekends.
12.                       RESCHEDULING
A.    Every attempt will be made to play postponed games within three weeks of the scheduled date.  The home team shall provide 2 possible reschedule dates to the league within 10 days of scheduled date.  There must be a minimum 72 hours notice of the first date.  Failure to do so may result in opposing team providing the field.
B.     At the discretion of the CSL Executive Committee, any game re-scheduled after May 15, for other than weather or field condition reasons, will be played at the Visiting Team’s venue on a date of the Visitor Team’s choice. Field costs to be borne by the team requesting the re-schedule. Reasonable costs to be determined by the CSL Executive Committee
13.                       CSL CUP
A.    The Cup Draw will be held in April of each year.
B.     All rounds of the Cup will be scheduled as not to coincide with Ontario Cup.
C.     The home team is responsible for providing 2 possible dates within the time frame for all games.  There must be a minimum 72 hours notice for the first date.  Visiting team will select which date works best for them.  Failure to respond to above requests may result in opposing team to provide the field.  The league will assign the fields for the Semi Final and Final games.
D.    Failure to play Cup Games will result in default of game and a fine to the Club. (See Appendix A)  If both teams are responsible for defaulting a game, they will each be subject to fine.  (See Appendix A)
E.     Players must be registered with their Club and District the day prior to any Cup Game in order to be eligible to play.
F.     A player is deemed to be “Cup Tied” to a team once he has played in a CSL Cup game and may not play for any other team in subsequent rounds of the Cup competition in any division of the League.
G.    Teams may only use players registered to their team for ANY Cup Game.  U18 will be allowed to use 5 callups.  These callups will be cup tied to their own clubs teams.
H.    In all rounds of the Cup, if the game is tied at the end of regulation time, the game will go straight to kicks from the penalty mark in accordance with FIFA law.
14.                       UNIFORMS
A.    Teams must provide each player with identical sweaters with unique identification.
B.     At the discretion of the league committee, teams will be required to wear a league crest on their main club sweaters, which may or may not include a league sponsor name and/or logo.  Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action against the team and club, including a monetary fine.
C.     The goalkeeper must wear a contrasting sweater which also must be different from the opposing team.
D.    The home team will be designated on the league schedule.  When uniform colours are similar, the home team must change to distinct colours at the discretion of the referee.  Failure to comply will result in a fine.  (See Appendix A)
15.                       GAME BALL
A.    The home team will be responsible to provide the game ball which will be Size 5.
16.                       GAME SHEETS
A.    All teams shall furnish a complete list of players and team officials on the game sheet provided/generated, showing the full name of all players participating in the game and their Ontario Soccer number.  The top portion of the game sheet must be fully completed by the team.  Incomplete game sheets will be subject to a fine.  (See Appendix A)
B.     The game sheet, bearing the name of the players and the team officials must be handed to the referee before the start of the game.  Coaches are required to print their names on the game sheet in addition to signing the game sheet.  The home team will collect the game sheet and 50% of Officials Fees from the visiting team and give them to the referee prior to the game starting.
C.     Only players/team officials listed on the game sheet are allowed on the bench.
17.                       REPORTING SCORES
A.    Both coaches shall be responsible to report the score of the game online within twenty-four (24) hours of completion of game.  Failure to report the result (score) as described will result in a fine.  (See Appendix A)
18.                       DISCIPLINE
A.    The League will follow the Discipline By Review process for all cases as outlined in Ontario Soccer Published Rules.  In some cases a Hearing will be required and as such the appropriate parties will be notified.  A detailed explanation of the DBR, DBH and SIR systems are included in the Coaches Package and can be found on the website.  Fees for Hearings- See Appendix B.
B.     The player has a right to request a hearing (DBH).  There will be an administrative fee (See Appendix B) to those that want to request a hearing for a DBR case.  The request for hearing (in writing) and the fee must be received no later than 72 hours from the date of the game.
C.     The league will follow Ontario Soccer Standard Penalties for Misconduct.  This can be found on the League Website.
D.    The Ontario Soccer Player Book/Card must be presented at all hearings otherwise there shall be no hearing held and the player shall be considered as having missed the hearing.  Failure to appear for a hearing will result in an immediate suspension from All Soccer Activity.  The accused must then request a discipline hearing and pay the appropriate fee.  (See Appendix B)
E.     The Ontario Soccer Player Book/Card must be marked at the District Office/CSL Office for all suspensions within 7 days from the notification of suspension.  Failure to do so will result in a fine.  (See Appendix B)
F.     All suspensions will begin after notification from the league.
G.    Any player or team official listed on a game sheet is deemed to have participated in that game.  Players or team officials participating in a game while under suspension will be subject to severe disciplinary action which could result in forfeiture of game and/or fine.  (See Appendix A)
H.    A team using a player in a game that is not listed on the game sheet will be subject to disciplinary action which will include forfeiture of the game and/or fine. (See Appendix A)
I.       Accumulation of cautions by a team will be dealt with as follows:
1.  21 Cautions- Discipline Hearing plus $200 fine.
2.  31 Cautions- Discipline Hearing plus $500 fine
3.  36 Cautions- Discipline Hearing plus $1000 Fine and review of membership
J.       Accumulation of dismissals by a team will be dealt with as follows:
1.  8 Dismissals- Discipline Hearing plus $500 fine
2.  10 Dismissals Cautions- Discipline Hearing plus $1000 fine and review of membership.
K.        Should a team reach 31 Cautions or 10 Dismissals in a year, a $1000 performance bond will be required for that team to enter the league the following year.  Should that team reach 31 Cautions or 10 Dismissals in the following year, the performance bond will be forfeited.
19.                       CLUB CONDUCT
A.    The team officials and players shall confine themselves to the players’ bench which shall be deemed to be an area ten yards long commencing five yards, and finishing fifteen yards from the centre line on either side of the field.
B.     Any game abandoned by a game official will be dealt with by the League discipline committee.  A team found guilty of causing abandonment will forfeit the game and be subject to a fine.  (See Appendix A)
In the event that both teams are found guilty, no points will be awarded, and both teams will be subject to a fine. (See Appendix A)
The score to be recorded is the higher of 3-0 or the score at the time of the abandonment.
C.     The club is responsible for all its team officials, players and spectators at all times, and shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner in accordance with the laws of the game.
A team official, player or spectator impeding, harassing, or otherwise intimidating a game official, opposing team official, members of the League or opposing players, will be subject to severe disciplinary action, including a fine.  (See Appendix A)
The CSL considers spectator(s) interfering in a game, especially when entering the field of play (without permission of the referee) or threatening a game official, to be an action detrimental to the game of soccer.  Therefore, incidents of this nature involving spectator(s) will result in the club being charged with Ontario Soccer 5.67.
D.    If a misconduct(s) occurs after the final whistle, and any players have removed their game jersey, that team will be disciplined and fined. (See Appendix A)
20.                       FEES AND FINES
A.    Any League invoice for fees or fines not paid within twenty-one days of issue may result in a suspension of League privileges to all teams of the offending Club, until the invoice is paid.  Any games scheduled during the suspension period will be forfeit, and the points awarded to the opposing team.  No applications will be accepted for the following season while a Club is in bad standing.
21.                       PROTESTS AND APPEALS
A.    Protests must be received in writing by the League Secretary by mail, postmarked to the League office by courier service or delivered in person.  All such conveyances to be made within forty-eight hours (not including weekends or statutory holidays) of the completion of the game.  A copy of the protest must be sent by registered mail to the opposing involved in the protest and a copy of the receipt of such registered mail, must be included in the protest copy sent to the League office.
B.     Protests must be accompanied by a protest fee (See Appendix B) in the form of a cheque or money order payable to the League.
C.     The protest fee will be refunded if the protest is upheld.
D.    Correctly submitted protests will be heard at the next scheduled Executive Committee meeting.  In the event that a decision is required prior to the next Executive Meeting, the protest will be heard by a committee of three, appointed by the League President.
E.     No protest pertaining to the decision of a game official will be heard.
F.     Appeals will be in accordance with the Constitution of the League.
22.                       LEAGUE STANDINGS
A.    A team shall be awarded three points for a win, and one point for a tie.  A maximum of 5 goal differential will be used in any one game.  In the event of tie in the League standings at the end of the season, the following shall apply in sequence:

1.        The team with the most points from head to head competition will be declared the winner
2.        The team with the least goals against for the season will be declared the winner.
3.        The team with the higher goal differential (Goals for minus goals against) for the season will be declared the winner.
4.        If still tied, a game(s) will be played as scheduled by the League.  If the game is tied at the end of regulation play, the game will go straight to penalty kicks from the penalty mark in accordance with FIFA law.
23.                       PROMOTION/RELEGATION
A.    Promotion and Relegation to be determined by League Management Committee.
B.     At the discretion of the Executive Committee and subject to the approval of the Competitions Management Committee, a relegated team may be reinstated in the division from which it was relegated, if there are some available team positions in that division due to (a) team(s) not returning to play in that division of the league.
24.                       MEETINGS
A.    All participating clubs must send a representative to all League meetings.  Clubs failing to attend will receive a fine. (See Appendix A)
B.     Club representative is only deemed to be present if the attendance sheet is signed.
25.                       AMENDMENTS
Amendments to the Rights and Responsibilities may be made by a majority vote of the Board of Directors or the Members at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.  If the rights and responsibilities are amended by the Board of Directors the amendment shall be presented for ratification at the next AGM or a special general meeting called for that purpose.  If the amendment is not ratified, it is not in effect and the previous Rights and Responsibilities then remain in effect.
26.                       OTHER MATTERS
A.    All matters not included in these by-laws shall be judged in accordance with the constitution and by-laws of Ontario Soccer.
  1. In these documents the Central Soccer League may be termed the CSL or the League.

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